Leaf rust, Bolivia and articles

These days we're in the Swedish media about the climate changes and leaf rust. We're currently in Bolivia, visiting the producers and tasting this harvest where the leaf-rust hit the country really hard three years ago. It takes a lot of support and structure to come back and you need to consistently work with it. On top of this Bolivia has legalised growing cocaine plant, which is easier to grow. We're working in a project called Sol de Mañana that is currently helping 30 farmers to fight leaf rust and improve quality and quantity. The farmers are getting theory and technical support and help to finance fertiliser if needed. Many of the farmers are getting their first harvest again this year or next year.

Articles (Swedish):
Göteborgsposten, Morgonkaffe blir dyrare
Dagens Nyheter, klimatförändringarna påverkar kaffet
Metro, Framtiden för kaffe 


I dagarna är vi med i svenska medier angående hur klimatförändringarna och leafrust påverkar kaffeproduktionen. På plats i Bolivia har leafrust drabbat kaffebönderna hårt och de flesta av de kaffegårdarna är övergivna. Här är vi en del av projektet Sol de Mañana som jobbar med att hjälpa ett trettiotal bönder att bekämpa leafrust. Många av bönderna i projektet har i år och kommande år sin första skörd sedan deras plantor slogs ut av leafrust.

Göteborgsposten, Morgonkaffe blir dyrare
Dagens Nyheter, klimatförändringarna påverkar kaffet
Metro, Framtiden för kaffe 

Collasuyo, new plantation - The Envy, Drop Coffee 2016
Collasuyo on their new lot "The Envious". Improving from 1 to 2 hectare this year and will add another one to next year. 

Nursery, catuai. Collasuyo, Bolivia

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We work directly and transparently with some of the most talented coffee producers in the world, with many of our partnerships spanning 10+ years. All the coffees we source have an SCA cupping score of 86 or higher and we always publish the FOB prices paid. We roast carefully in small batches, focusing on sweetness, clarity and vibrancy, so every coffee’s distinct origin and personality shines through.