Coffee Trends

This morning I was on the show Mogonstudion at Swedish television talking about Coffee Trends. It is a recurent media topic and I am always happy to share a few trends I see it today. Here are my current four coffee trends in my opinion. 

1. There is a love behind more cups of coffee
More people are having a grinder at home and are ordering whole beans home from roasteries or their local coffee shop. Within Sweden, I have a feeling (read: in my bubble at least) that more people are using scales measuring up their coffee, whether it is for a manual brew or their coffee maker.
To drink coffee slowly and in a nice environment, compared to a rushed take away cup, is giving us an increased sensory experience and enhanced creativity levels. Even if we long for a time with busy schedules and pulse, I think the slow consumption, both in cafés and at home, is here to stay. We enjoy life more that way. 

3. Espresso Tonic
I love it. All cold brew and different methods, a refreshing espresso tonic brewed on some f or berry-like beans are unbeatable. 

4. Coffee that isn’t burnt
Buy coffee that is brown, not black. The black is going to taste ashy and has removed the coffee potential. If you buy a great specialty coffee, the roast profile is built to enhance the flavour of the coffee. Not the opposite.

5. The story behind the cup 
To know where the coffee is grown and by who, plus which varietal it is. All producers we are working with have different theories and methods. It is the terroir and the coffee producers' skills that bring the coffee to its fullest potential. We, as roasters and baristas, can only present the product as well as we can. Make sure you know where the coffee is coming from. 

A stunning cup of coffee can cost 5 SEK (50 cents) to brew at home. In a price model like that the producer, pickers, exporter, and roaster can get paid more fairly throughout the supply chain. If you buy a coffee that is too cheap, it is the coffee producer and the people working with the coffee-growing who are not getting properly paid. 


/Joanna Alm 
Managing Director and Part-owner 
Drop Coffee

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    Vi arbetar direkt och öppet med några av de mest begåvade kaffeproducenterna i världen, med många av våra partnerskap som sträcker sig över 10+ år. Alla kaffe vi köper har ett SCA-koppningsresultat på 86 eller högre och vi publicerar alltid de FOB-priser som betalas. Vi rostar noggrant i små omgångar, med fokus på sötma, klarhet och livfullhet, så att varje kaffes distinkta ursprung och personlighet lyser igenom.